Sourdough Recipes and More

  • Sourdough Soft Pretzels

    Sourdough Soft Pretzels
    Sourdough pretzels have a crunchy, chewy exterior with a soft and flavorful center.  This recipe is perfect for eating plain, or dunking in your favorite beer cheese!  Made with multiple topping options, there will be a combination to please even your hardest critic!  Due to the lack of commercial yeast in this recipe, it is a 2 day process, but most of the time is hands off.  Suggested toppings include:  butter and salt, cinnamon and sugar, plain or cheese.  Top with your favorite pizza sauce and pizza toppings to make pizza pretzels!
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  • Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Sourdough chocolate chip cookies are an easy at home treat to make with your sourdough discard! Not only are they thick and chewy, but the deep flavor that the discard gives them is undeniable.  In this case I substituted something fun, and seasonal like Mini Eggs to one up the cookies.

    These cookies are soft, thick and chewy and loaded with chocolate  in every bite!  You can make the dough in advance and keep in the fridge for a day or 2 before baking off.   We store our cookies in the freezer and pull them out as needed, but be warned, they wont last long!

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  • Sourdough Basic Boule Recipe

    Sourdough Basic Boule Recipe
    A sourdough boule is one of the trickiest things to make with our Summit Sourdough Starter.  But, I am here to tell you that you CAN make beautiful breads with our 125 heirloom -- but you will need time, patience, love and process.   Process, process, process -- without process there are no results.  Depending on environment, your process may need small tweaks here and there, but for the most part, results with my process are fool proof.  As I say to all my newbies, TRUST THE PROCESS and, Bake On! 
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